Are you consumed with wanderlust? Have you often had to put off dream trips because of last minute cancelations by your travel buddies? Or maybe you just really like the presence of your own company or feel like you want to “discover” yourself more. If that is the case, then solo travel could be something you would absolutely love. It is one of the most incredible experiences in life. For years, people have been telling me that they love the thought of it but wouldn’t know where to start. Well, The Vino Chronicles to the rescue! Keep reading to find out why solo travel is so amazing and how you can discover more about yourself, while exploring a new destination!

Cape Town, South Africa 2020
I’ve traveled solo to beautiful countries around the world, and I’ve done so in what I’d like to think are some of the most epic ways possible. Whether it’s my favorite city Paris, or the place that stole my heart, Cape Town, South Africa, I have had incredible experiences in these big, beautiful destinations all by myself.
People are usually in serious “awe” when I tell them I travel solo. They think I’m either brave or adventurous, hell, some even think I’m crazy. But regardless of what people think, they always want to know two things-- how I do it, and even more importantly why I travel solo.
We live in a world that's more connected than ever. The idea of traveling alone may seem quite overwhelming and even downright scary. But when it is executed well, solo travel can be one of the most transformative and liberating experiences life has to offer.
In this post, I’m going to share why solo travel is not only amazing but can be a life-changing adventure.
But before we jump into the deets, I’d like to put a disclaimer out there. Solo travel is not for everyone and it’s okay to “be okay” with that. Even I travel with friends and family sometimes, and I enjoy these trips as well.
If you are the type of person who loves traveling with others, by all means, keep that energy. I am a strong believer that we should all do what we love. There is no need to push yourself to travel solo if you know groups are where you thrive!
But... if you are a free-spirited soul who loves to explore on your own, meet new people, live on your own terms and experience carefree travel, then a solo trip may be just what you are looking for.
So, without further ado, here are my top 8 Reasons why solo travel is life-changing and empowering.
1. Indulge in Complete Freedom
One of the biggest perks of #solotravel is the absolute freedom it offers. You are the master of your own itinerary.

This is SO important to me. The last thing I want during my vacation is someone holding me hostage to their itinerary, to which if I don’t comply to, could lead to an argument during my precious time in my desired destination (this happened to me once while traveling with a friend, we didn’t fall out, but I was annoyed because we did not have the same interests and she insisted that I went everywhere with her).
So, whether you want to wake up early to catch the sunrise, or sleep in late because you’re on vacation and despise structured schedules when you’re seriously just trying to relax on your vaycay, when you travel solo your itinerary is YOUR itinerary!

Me dining at the Prada Cafe in London, 2024
There's no need to compromise with others’ schedules, preferences, or interests. You can immerse yourself in what excites you most and change your plans on a whim. I know it may sound a little selfish at first glance, but trust me, it’s not. Having this type of flexibility allows you to craft a personalized experience that is deeply rewarding and curated just for you. And there is absolutely nothing selfish about that!
2. The Adventure of Self-Discovery
When you’re traveling by yourself, all decisions are made by you. Even something as simple as selecting the location is a decision that you (and only you) have to make... alone.
That’s right, nobody else... YOU!
No leaning on someone else's suggestions, or defaulting to someone else's dreams. This is time for you to dream. Time for you gain or increase your independence and truly do what you desire.
Because this is the case, solo travel encourages deep introspection.
Where would I go? Would I like it there? If so, why… If not, why not?
Do beaches make me happy, or am I more of a city or a desert girl?
Also... What will I do when I get there? What things do I love? What interests me?

A perfume making class I took while in France
These are questions you’ll be forced to ask yourself and when you answer them you will learn so much about yourself.
Who knew something as simple as selecting your destination and the things to do during your trip would be so telling of our true desires? This was a game changer for me. So much so, that I almost enjoy planning my trips more than the actual trip… almost.
And that’s just the beginning of self-discovery. This continues throughout your trip and after you’ve returned and are back in the comfort of your home. When you’re on your own, there’s more time to think, reflect, and understand yourself in a new way. Being in unfamiliar surroundings without the distraction of companionship pushes you out of your comfort zone. This often leads to discovering hidden strengths and capabilities you never knew you had. Whether you're figuring out how to navigate public transport in a foreign language (me in France) or making new friends, these experiences build confidence and provide insight into who you are at your core. #SoloTravelGoals
3. Build Unbreakable Confidence
Traveling alone requires self-reliance. From managing logistics to making decisions, you learn to trust your instincts and problem-solve on the go. This self-reliance strengthens your confidence.
Overcoming challenges—whether it's finding your way in a new city or navigating cultural differences—makes you realize that you are far more capable than you might have believed. The confidence gained from solo travel often translates to other areas of life, empowering you to tackle future challenges with ease.

Moi, overlooking the Atlantic!
Solo travel will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, ask questions to random strangers (even if it’s something you’d never do at home). And every time you step a bit out of your limits, you deposit just a tiny bit more confidence in your "confidence bank." As you continue to fill that cup, your self-confidence and self-value will grow with it.
4. Deep Immersion in Local Culture
When you travel solo, you’re more likely to engage with locals and immerse yourself in the culture. Without a travel partner to rely on for conversation, you become more approachable, and people are often more inclined to engage with you. Whether it’s sharing a meal with locals, asking for directions, or joining in a community event, these interactions offer richer and more authentic cultural experiences. You’ll learn more about a destination’s traditions, history, and lifestyle than you ever would in a group. Just be sure that you are prioritizing your safety.

Me at Rands, the ultimate day party in Cape Town #rands
5. Personal Growth and Independence
Solo travel helps develop a strong sense of independence. When you’re in charge of every decision, from budgeting to daily plans, you become more self-sufficient. This independence fosters personal growth, teaching you resilience, adaptability, and patience.
During my first solo trip to Europe, I traveled from Barcelona to the Canary Islands. Unfortunately, some a-hole stole my carry-on suitcase with all my beach clothes and a few other items. I literally spent my entire first day at the Grand Canary Island police department, using my broken Spanish to explain to the Canarian po-po that I was robbed!

La Sagrada Familia - Barcelona, Spain
Good grief that was annoying. But my resilience was unmatched during the fiasco!
My ability to adapt was 100 percent on point. Although I give the Canary Islands a 0 out of 10, and would never recommend, I know now that I can get myself out of sticky situations and then go on to have the absolute time of my life for the remainder of my trip.
As you navigate new landscapes, languages, and cultures on your own, you too will find yourself growing in ways you never imagined. Solo travel is an incredible opportunity to stretch your boundaries, expand your worldview and develop your innate problem-solving skills.
6. Time to Recharge and Reflect
In our busy, and dare I say, social media driven lives, we often don’t get enough time for ourselves. Solo travel offers the perfect opportunity to disconnect from the noise of daily life and recharge.
I always build in a spa day towards the end of my trips (which I highly recommend). This gives me the time and space to not only refresh my physical body after weeks of planes, trains and automobiles, but it also allows me the time and space for spiritual and soul-filling reflection as well.
My last international spa trip at Dromoland Castle, in Ireland
I take time to lean into gratitude conversations with myself. Truly being grateful for everyone and everything in my life. Reflecting on things like wow, how did I make it this far in life and what do I want to conquer next in life?
You can even reflect on how you want to “show up in life” going forward, set some new goals or reflect on something new that you discovered during your trip.
Most of the time, when we’re caught up in the minutia of everyday life, we don’t take time to think about these types of things. During your solo trip, you can.
While in Cape Town, I took a cable car to the top of Table Mountain. I was terrified to do this, but I faced my fears and as a reward, I was able to take in one of the most breathtaking views I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Reflection and gratitude from atop Table Mountain
As I overlooked miles and miles of South Africa’s beautiful coastlines, I toasted my glass full of champagne to the Universe and reflected on my trip, the beautiful people I met, all of my wonderful experiences, and most of all, everything I have to be grateful for.
So, whether you're hiking in the mountains, relaxing on a quiet beach, or wandering through a peaceful village, traveling solo gives you time to breathe, reflect, and be present. It's a chance to reset while you're away and return home with a fresh perspective.
7. Spontaneity and Serendipity
As I mentioned earlier, when you’re traveling with others, there are usually plans that need to be followed. However, when you travel alone, you can embrace spontaneity in its purest form.
Want to hop on a train to a city you’ve never heard of? Go for it. Feel like spending an extra day exploring a charming town you stumbled upon... or my personal favorite, want to just lay in bed for half a day on your vacation without being made to feel guilty about it?

My last-minute trip to the only Jo Loves store in the world, London 2024
Well guess what, there’s nothing stopping you!
And this openness to serendipity often leads to the most memorable and unexpected experiences—ones that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.
During my first visit Paris, I wanted to go to the Lourve.
I mean, c’mon, it’s Paris, you’ve GOT to see the Monna Lisa.
But to be honest, I’m not much of a museum buff. When it comes to museums, I’m more of a “here for a good time not a long time type of gal.”
Anyway, coincidentally this was around the time Beyonce & Jay Z shot the Ape Sh*t video at the Lourve and there was a free self-guided tour. So of course, I wanted to partake (periodt)
When researching a visit to the Lourve and other popular tourist spots you are always warned about long lines or “queues” as they are so eloquently called in Europe.
I decided I would maybe go later in the day, depending on how I was feeling. Well, at around 1pm I decided, sure, I’ll go hang out there for an hour or so before my next tour.
Well wouldn’t you know, that when you arrive to the Lourve at 1pm and because I was on my own schedule, there is no queue!
What a way to save time, see the Monna Lisa AND still walk in the footsteps of Queen Bey!

Later I met a mother and daughter duo who told me they went to The Lourve earlier that morning and they stood in line for two and a half hours! (Meanwhile I was busy getting my rest.)
Long story short, be spontaneous, have fun and sleep in… if that’s what you desire. 😊
8. Beautiful Connections with Like-Minded Travelers
Ironically, as a solo traveler, I often end up meeting other people traveling solo (or not solo) and we end up building long-lasting connections.
When people travel alone, they are usually more social than those traveling with others.
Without the safety net of a companion, solo travelers tend to seek out connections with others, whether it’s other travelers, locals, or fellow wanderers on the same path.
Hanging with good peeps in Cape Town
This most recently happened to me earlier this year during my birthday trip to Ireland. While on this galivanting-fest, I met TONS of solo travelers. Baby, we were all up and through Ireland.
I met 3 women on a tour I was on while in Belfast. We all connected via WhatsApp and stayed in contact throughout the trip. We’d pop on to see if anyone was available for dinner or drinks later in the day or we’d check in once we got to the next city in hopes of linking up at a pub.
You’re more open to meeting new people, sharing stories, and forming bonds that can last long after your trip ends. Hostels, cafés, group tours, and even public spaces become places of connection, offering you the chance to meet fascinating people from around the world.
All in all, I still chat with people I’ve met during my solo travels. It’s fun to make friends while along the way of your adventures.
Conclusion: Embrace the Journey
Solo travel may seem intimidating at first, but once you step into the unknown, you’ll realize just how empowering and fulfilling it can be.
The freedom to create your own journey, the opportunities for self-discovery, and the depth of cultural immersion, make solo travel a truly enriching experience. Whether you’re seeking adventure, personal growth, or simply a break from the routine, traveling alone will reward you with memories, lessons, and a stronger sense of self that will stay with you long after you return home.
So, if you've been considering a solo trip, now's the time to embrace the journey and see the world through your own eyes—you won’t regret it.
Be sure to come back over the next few weeks and check out my post on 10 Essential Tips for Solo Travel and How to Plan the Ultimate Solo Trip!
But until then, how about you? Have you ever traveled by yourself? If so, drop a comment to share your destination(s) and give us something to dream about!
Haven't traveled by yourself yet? That's perfectly fine, I want to hear from your too. Share a destination that you would love to travel to by yourself. The possibilities are endless.